Client — BirdsCaribbean

Project — BirdsCaribbean Identity and Website (

Solution — As designers we often dream about our ideal client. If we could do work for anyone, anywhere, who would it be? When Birds Caribbean contacted us about creating a new identity, we came about as close as you can get to that dream client. Although we never had the opportunity to actually travel to the Caribbean for a “research” meeting, just looking at photos of exotic birds and the Caribbean habitat was enough to make snowy days in Pennsylvania just a little bit brighter. BirdsCaribbean is the largest regional organization dedicated to the conservation of wild birds and their habitats in the insular Caribbean (including Bermuda, the Bahamas and all islands within the Caribbean basin). Working with brightly colored bird plumage and the brilliant blues and greens of the tropical islands, art270 created a new logo and website for BirdsCaribbean that reflects the focus of this very unique environment-focused organization. The transformation from the previous identity and website is as different as a house finch and a parakeet.

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